This type of HBA makes use of the mpt2sas driver, and models of this HBA are manufactured by various manufacturers, including HP and Dell.
Other LSI HBAs are unaffected.
1. Use the xe CLI command on the XenServer host:
Find the Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) of the XenServer host by running the following command:
# xe host-list | grep uuid
2. Run the following command to display a list of all disks that are recognized by XenServer and identify the disk(s) presented by the storage array:
# fdisk -l
(This example assumes that the storage array’s disk is /dev/sdb)
3. To find the SCSI ID of the disk /dev/sdb, enter the following command:
# scsi_id -g -u -s /block/sdb
This returns a 49 character hex string, known in the next step as <scsi-id-hex-string> .
4. To create a storage repository on /dev/sdb run the following command:
# xe sr-create host-uuid=<host-uuid> content-type=user \
name-label="Shared storage on SAS Array" shared=true \
device-config:SCSIid=<scsi-id-hex-string> type=lvmohba
5. To verify that /dev/sdb was added as a storage repsitory, run the following command :
# xe sr-list
XenCenter should now display an entry for this storage repository.
*** Enable multipathing***